We read the Walt Disney version:

As well as two spoofs:
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka:
And The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas. This was their favorite, they laughed and laughed.

For snack, I provided the kiddos with vanilla cupcakes, pink frosting, cut pink marshmallows, and chocolate chips and let them decorate away.
Some turned out better than others but they enjoyed making "piggies."
Next, I demonstrated some house building tactics for them. I built a house out of straw, a house out of sticks (tooth picks), and a house out of bricks (Jenga). Then I brought out a hair drier and they got quite excited as we reenacted the story, the drier being the big bad wolf. They were also excited when the brick house didn't fall over, just like in the story.
Then, I posed a challenge. I asked them if they thought they could build a house so strong that the Big Bad Wolf couldn't blow it down. I let them be creative. Lincoln Logs, Legos, Mega Blocks, Jenga, Play-Doh etc.
Then the Big Bad Wolf would come and try to blow it down. They were so proud when it wouldn't.
Everyone crowding around to cheer on their classmates:
On Friday we read the stories again, learned some pig facts, and made this adorable three pigs craft:
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