Thursday, July 9, 2015

Week Thirty-One: Curious George Rides a Bike

Week 31 we read Curious George Rides a Bike by H. A. Rey:

I brought in newspapers and we made boats like George did.  I didn't take any pictures but here are instructions.  Then we brought them outside along with our water bin and tried to make them float.  They did for a bit, but once they tipped the water started seeping in and soon enough they were destroyed.  Still fun.

I made a yellow hat out of felt and we played pin the stripe on the yellow hat:

(I realize now it's supposed to be the man with the yellow hat, oh well)

Here is a stop motion rendition of the story.

We made a bike craft.  Here is the template.  We used light blue construction paper for the bike and black for the wheels.  Attach the wheels with brads so they can turn.

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